About my sculpture
I went on to create in a new and unknown field, without any support other than my own need to break the classical canons in my art.
I wanted my art to get in direct touch with the life and the society making use of discarded elements that this very society made and disposed of, while re-examining the ideas of machine systems that were supposed to improve our lives.
An interpretation of the past that inspires us to move forward.
I was also curious to see if pure clear-cut designed functional objects can be transposed into another field of different perceptions and sensibilities by means of a visual idiom that does not serve to articulate a realistic representation of nature.
Pure sculpture without any description, without anything anecdotal, moral, educational, sentimental, or decorative in it.
I wanted to create an atmosphere in which, being an artist engaged in creative process, I was able to make use of a mass of discarded materials to make (new) forms, free and genuine.
To design modern, direct and (fast) and multidimensional forms of communication.
Reintegration and recontextualization of various components taken out of industrial machines, which are sent back to the society through art and artistic process.